HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist V2
Default example, with playlist selector
Default example, multiple instances
Default example, light version
Artwork example
Artwork example 2
Artwork example 3
Artwork example 4
Artwork example 5
Artwork example 6
Artwork example 7
Artwork example 8
Light version with seekbar in playlist item
Light version with seekbar in playlist item 2
Full backgound slideshow with text lyrics
Circle progress bar with background slideshow
Multiple circular progress bars
Circular version
Circular version 2
Default example dark
Default example dark with thumbnail
Default example light
Default example light 2
Default example light 2 with thumbnail
Tiny players light
Tiny players dark
Fixed player bottom
Fixed player bottom 2
Fixed player bottom 3
Fixed player bottom 4
Fixed player bottom 5
Fixed player bottom 6
Fixed player bottom 7
Fixed player bottom 8
Fixed player top
Inline text links
Inline text links 2
Inline images links
Metro style
Metro style 2
Minimal example
Modern example
Modern example with flip effect
Modern example with flip effect 2
Modern example 2
Modern example 3
Modern example 4
Modern example 5
Modern example 6
Modern example 7
Modern example 8
Modern transparent
Player in left side panel
Poster example
Poster example with seekbar
Poster example with seekbar 2
Text version
Horizontal scrollable thumbnails
Horizontal scrollable thumbnails 2
Horizontal scrollable thumbnails 3
Vertical scrollable thumbnails
Video style 1
Video style 2, horizontal playlist
Video style 3, vertical playlist with text lyrics
Video style 4
Video style 5
Video style 6
Wall example, circular thumbnails
Wall example 2
Wall example 3