Banner Rotator Plus

This is a simple, yet dynamic banner rotator. It can easily be used as a portfolio viewer, as seen below in Sample #2.

There are quite a few options built into the application, all editable through XML. Take a look at the sample XML code below for the general setup, as well as the sample XML code for different ways to set up each project.

Sample #1

This sample is setup as a basic banner rotator with a timer that loops through the projects. You set the timer length in the xml for images & swfs, but when a video loads the application will play the full video before moving onto the next project.

Sample #2

This sample is setup as a portfolio gallery. All of the same functionality exists no matter what size you make the application.

General Setup in the XML File (Sample)

                        <!-- Use 'true' to enable the timer. Use 'true' to start the timer automatically. Set the timer length in seconds. -->
                        <TIMER enabled="true" auto_start="true" length="3"/>
                        <!-- Use 'true' or 'false' -->
                        <!-- Set the vertical position of the thumbs. -->
                        <!-- Set the images you want to use for the previous and next buttons. Dimensions: 50 x 50 pixels -->
                        <!-- Use 'true' or 'false' wether you want the info to show automatically -->
                        <!-- Hexadecical background color of the info block -->
                        <!-- The opacity of info block background -->
                        <!-- Use 'down', 'up', 'left', or 'right'. The slide direction of the info block. -->
                        <!-- The width of the info block. *This is only used when sliding the info in from the left or right. -->
                        <!-- Hexadecical background color of the preloader -->
                        <!-- The opacity of preloader background -->
                        <!-- Hexadecical background color of the preloader -->
                        <!-- The opacity of preloader text -->
                        <!-- Use 'down', 'up', 'left', or 'right'. The slide direction of the preloader. -->
                        <!-- Use 'no_scale', 'fit', or 'fill_stage'. The scaling method of the projects. -->
                        <!-- Use 'down', 'up', 'left', or 'right'. The slide direction of the project. -->
                        <!-- The horizontal offset of the project.  Used mainly for external swfs -->
                        <!-- The vertical offset of the project.  Used mainly for external swfs -->

Project Setup in the XML File (Basic Project Sample Without Info)

                        <!-- **This is a banner** -->

Project Setup in the XML File (Basic Project Sample With Info)

                        <!-- **This is a banner** -->
                            <h1>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</h1> <p>In congue viverra interdum. 
                            Nulla pellentesque odio quis ante dictum at hendrerit magna tempus.</p> <a href="" 
                            targat="_blank">Nam nisl nulla, molestie</a><p> eu iaculis eu, accumsan sit amet diam. 
                            Ut eget erat ante, ac lacinia lorem. Maecenas tempus sapien nec sem pharetra congue</p>.

Project Setup in the XML File (Complete Custom Project Sample With Info)

                        <!-- **This is a banner** -->
                            <h1>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</h1> <p>In congue viverra interdum. 
                            Nulla pellentesque odio quis ante dictum at hendrerit magna tempus.</p> <a href="" 
                            targat="_blank">Nam nisl nulla, molestie</a><p> eu iaculis eu, accumsan sit amet diam. 
                            Ut eget erat ante, ac lacinia lorem. Maecenas tempus sapien nec sem pharetra congue</p>.
                            <!-- Use 'true' or 'false' wether you want the info to show automatically -->
                            <!-- Hexadecical background color of the info block -->
                            <!-- The opacity of info block background -->
                            <!-- Use 'down', 'up', 'left', or 'right'. The slide direction of the info block. -->
                            <!-- The width of the info block. *This is only used when sliding the info in from the left or right. -->
                            <!-- Hexadecical background color of the preloader -->
                            <!-- The opacity of preloader background -->
                            <!-- Hexadecical background color of the preloader -->
                            <!-- The opacity of preloader text -->
                            <!-- Use 'down', 'up', 'left', or 'right'. The slide direction of the preloader. -->
                            <!-- Use 'no_scale', 'fit', or 'fill_stage'. The scaling method of the projects. -->
                            <!-- Use 'down', 'up', 'left', or 'right'. The slide direction of the project. -->
                            <!-- The horizontal offset of the project.  Used mainly for external swfs -->
                            <!-- The vertical offset of the project.  Used mainly for external swfs -->