Vertical with Border

Just a Title

Title with description

I got a link button

The entire image is a link

This is a title

This is a title

This is an example of a description.

With a dark background

This is a title

This is an example of a description.

With a link button

Go to page

This is a title

This is an example of a description.

The entire image is a link!

Vertical without Border

Just a Title

Title with description

I got a link button

The entire image is a link

This is a title

This is a title

This is an example of a description

I got no border. Like my friend above me!

Go to page

This is a title

This is an example of a description

I got a link in my description

My link

This is a title

This is an example of a description

My entire images is a link

8 Standard Background Animations (This means the class you need to use!)

Auto Animation (None)

SlideLeft (img-slideleft)

This is a title

This is a description

This is a title

Zoomin (img-zoomin)

SlideUp (img-slideup)

This is a title

This is a title

Diagonal (img-diagonal)

Opacity (img-opacity)

This is a title

This is a title

Scale (img-scale)

Rotation (img-rotation)

This is a title

This is a title

Thumbnails with the background animations

Auto (None)

SlideLeft (img-slideleft)

Zoomin (img-zoomin)

SlideUp (img-slideup)

This is a title

This is a title

This is a title

This is a title

Diagonal (img-diagonal)

Opacity (img-opacity)

Scale (img-scale)

Rotation (img-rotation)

This is a title

This is a title

This is a title

This is a title

Full width

Full Width + Border

This is a title

Full Width

This is a title

14 Text Effecten

Auto (None)

SlideInLeft (txt-slideinleft)

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

SlideInRight (txt-slideinright)

SlideInTop (txt-slideintop)

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

SlideInBottom (txt-slideinbottom)

LongOpacity (txt-longopacity)

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

SlideInLeftRotation (txt-slideinleftRotation)

SlideInRightRotation (txt-slideinrightRotation)

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

SlideInTopRotation (txt-slideintopRotation)

SlideInBottomRotation (txt-slideinbottomRotation)

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

SlideInLeftTitle (txt-slideinleftTitle)

SlideInRightTitle (txt-slideinrightTitle)

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

SlideInLeftRightAll (txt-slideinleftRightAll)

OpacityAll (txt-opacityAll)

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

This is a title

Example messages

Go to page

Examples of Multiple Background animations. (There are a lot more combinations!)

SlideLeft + Opacity + Rotation

SlideUp + Scale

Diagonal + Opacity

Rotation + SlideLeft + SlideUp + Opacity

This is a title

This is an example of a description.

With a dark background

This is a title

This is an example of a description.

With a dark background

This is a title

This is an example of a description.

With a dark background

This is a title

This is an example of a description.

With a dark background

You control your hovers.

8 Standard Background Animations + More than 15 Background Combinations, 14 Text Effecten and 2 Background colors.
Works in : IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, Mobile and Tablet

8 Box Sizes:

- Vertical SmallBorder
- Vertical NoBorder
- Horizontal Bigsquare SmallBorder
- Horizontal Bigsquare NoBorder
- Horizontal Smallsquare SmallBorder (Thumbnails)
- Horizontal Smallsquare NoBorder (Thumbnails)
- Horizontal Full SmallBorder (Full Width)
- Horizontal Full NoBorder (Full Width)